Claim Your Vibrant Life

Join me on a journey of exploring opportunities for shifting from a mindset of growing old to a mindset of grateful aging and healthy longevity.

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Conversations with Kerry

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Photo Credit: In Her Image Photography


Kerry’s holistic 4-pillars approach to grateful aging and healthy longevity:

Your health is for life. It’s your greatest asset. Practical, individual, sustainable changes are the keys to your vibrant health. Your wellness journey is about practicality and progress not perfection. What Goes In Shows Up.

Eat Well

I believe your wellness begins in the kitchen. Eating well provides you with the fuel necessary for physical and mental energy. I don’t believe in dieting, depriving, or demonizing foods as solutions. I get “under the hood” of your lifestyle and help you discover your best self.

Sleep Well

Studies show a link between insufficient sleep and some serious health challenges such as heart disease and obesity. Getting enough sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your energy level, mind, weight, heart and more.

Move Well

Movement is a lifestyle. It helps boost immunity, reduce waist size, increase energy, and lessen risk of developing disease such as diabetes.

Yoga helps gain flexibility, decrease risk of injury, build strength, improve posture, balance, and better bone health.

Stress Well

Mindfulness helps lower stress levels, improve focus, reduce brain chatter, and connect with others better.

“Mindfulness is a pause.
It’s the space between reaction and response.
That’s where choice lives.” ~ Kerry

How I Can Help:

I’m passionate about working with people and supporting them in living their most vibrant version of themselves! I inspire, motivate, support and educate people via speaking engagements, private and group consulting, teaching movement classes and workshops, and leading live and online educational courses and seminars.

I love spreading the power of wellness, longevity, and vibrancy to audiences everywhere. I’ve spent years motivating and inspiring people to live their most vibrant life.
 When you hire me to speak, you can be assured your audience will leave with suggestions for practical activities they can immediately take into their day.
I support and educate people in both preventative wellness and those suffering from lifestyle-related health concerns. I work with you and show you how to eat, sleep, move and practice mindfulness so you can experience better energy, a clear focused mind, and live a long vibrant life free from chronic symptoms.
I meet you where you are and provide a bridge between the overwhelming, and often conflicting, amount of wellness information available and turn it into usable bits of knowledge and wisdom that works for YOU. I have a reputation for leaving you with an experience that lifts you up throughout your day and says “Yes YOU Can!”
This course is about long-term health gain, longevity and vibrancy. I believe the four most important things you can do for your health are: eat a whole foods, plant-based diet; move your body daily; manage stress; get restful and enough sleep. This course shows you how.
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I am not a licensed physician. As such, the information provided on this website is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, prevent, treat, or cure disease. This website information is intended to be educational only. It is not a substitute for the expertise and judgment of your physician or other medical professional.

Copyright © 2011 - 2025 Kerry McClure - All rights reserved

Images of Kerry by In Her Image Photography

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