Build Your Own Smoothie

Smoothies have been a staple in our home for nearly 20 years. We’ve run the gamut from fruit smoothies to green smoothies to too thick to too thin to everything in between. We’ve even done too much sugar, not enough sugar. Needless to say, we have had some real winners and some that needed much work!

There are many wonderful recommendations and resources out there for how to make the “perfect” smoothie. The sky is the limit when it comes to being creative. However, being creative doesn’t always mean the most nutrient-dense, beneficial, best taste or texture drink. So through much trial and error, here’s my contribution to a formula for creating a healthy, nutrient-dense, delicious smoothie. I hope it supports you on your smoothie creation journey!

A few thoughts before you get started:
Purchase fresh, organic, local, seasonal ingredients as much as your budget and availability allows. Quality ingredients are key to your smoothie creation being the most nutrient-dense and tasty!

The ingredient list options for each of the following steps is an example and not meant to be an exhaustive list. Share your favorites. I would love to learn what they are.

Noted measurement comments are for guidance purposes only.
Makes roughly one serving.
Adjust amounts to your tastes and textures.
Add ingredients into your blender in the order suggested.

Steps 1 through 4 would be for your general smoothies.

Including ingredients from steps 5 and 6 would be for more specific nutrition needs.

Each body responds differently to food combinations. Start slow and with few ingredients. Experiment cautiously and mindfully.

Switch up your smoothie ingredients as much as your budget, availability and time allows.

Use your favorite smoothie resources and/or check out my website for some smoothie recipe ideas to get you started.

Please check with your health care practitioner before including new food items into your repertoire.

Step #1: Liquid Base Options

Amount: 1 – 2 cups (adjust for thickness)
Milk alternatives (unsweetened) – hemp, oat, coconut, almond, rice
Coconut water
Green tea (cold or room temperature)

Step #2: Fruit Options

Amount: ½ cup berries or cut up fruit
Fruit adds sweetness, fiber, color. I like to use frozen blueberries as it gives a bit of thickness and makes the smoothie a bit frosty. If you use fresh fruit, you can add a couple of ice cubes. We like to add a peeled lemon and peeled lime.
Low glycemic fruits (55 or less): blueberries, cherries, plums, grapefruit, peaches, apples, pears, kiwi, oranges, strawberries or unsweetened Acai
Medium glycemic fruits (56-69): banana, mango, papaya, pineapple

Step #3: Greens/Veggies Options

Amount: a rule of thumb I like to use: For every ½ cup of fruit add 1 ½ cups of greens (3:1 ratio of greens to fruit). This ratio helps to keep the sugar levels of the smoothie in check.
Kale (optional to remove stems)
Collard Greens (optional to remove stems)
Chard (optional to remove stems)
Butter/red/green lettuce

Step #4: Protein and Healthy Fat Options (choose 1-2)

Amount: Varies
One serving of your favorite protein powder
1/8 cup plain, full-fat yogurt
¼ of an avocado
1 -2 tablespoons coconut meat
1 tablespoon nuts or nut butter
1 tablespoon seed butter
1 tablespoon ground flax seed (makes smoothie thick, drink immediately)
1 tablespoon chia seeds (makes smoothie thick, drink immediately)
1 tablespoon hemp seed
1 tablespoon flax oil
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon Ghee

Ingredients from steps 5 and 6 would be for more specific nutrition needs and/or tastes.

Step #5: Flavorings Options (choose 1-2)

Amount: a pinch or so
Cacao powder, raw, unsweetened

Step #6: Extra Options (choose 1-2) – depending upon nutritional support needed

Amount: Varies between ½ teaspoon to one teaspoon
Green Tea Matcha Powder
Bee pollen (be mindful if you are allergic)
Medicinal mushrooms
Aloe vera
Milk Thistle
Turmeric (be careful, this stains)