Every New Year’s Eve day I have a private “releasing” ritual. I choose a word to release from my vocabulary that no longer serves my life purpose – words that may hold me back from reaching my highest potential, goals, dreams, hopes, helping and supporting others.

A few words I’ve released in the past include: hate, gossip, ignore, weak, avoid, fail, unworthy, comparison, competition, modification, jealousy, can’t, fear, worry, should, busy……

The word I’m releasing in 2018 is “struggle”.

On life’s journey there are times when we are challenged beyond the words to explain it. 2017 was one of those years for me and for so many others. For me, it was a year of struggle right down to my very core of mind, body and spirit.

What I learned from this year is that the distance between expectation and acceptance is how much we are willing to yield (release the struggle).

One of life’s most challenging lessons is the art of releasing. Whether its expectation, loss, love, guilt, anger, etc. It seems we struggle to hold on and we struggle to release.

Hurt is real and needs to be acknowledged so that when we are ready and able to release, we are no longer held back by the struggle. We now have the space to be fully in the moment and gain momentum to continue to move forward.

I’m happy to say that I’m moving into 2018 with a full and grateful heart – with my mind, body and spirit fully back on-line!

My intention in 2018 is that when a situation/opportunity/thought arises that causes a feeling of struggle and resistance, I’ll do my best to pause and yield into the acceptance of the moment so that I can create the space to choose how to move forward so that I’m not stuck in the struggle.

My mantra for 2018 is “She believed she could, so she did”.

This yearly ritual has allowed me to create positive space for new things to enter my life and to create a more grounded energy to move through the world no matter what the circumstances are that cross my path. That doesn’t mean that the tough times aren’t tough and that I don’t end up revisiting old patterns from time-to-time. It means I have more energy to help me move through those tough times and to have even more energy to appreciate the good times and to help and support others.

How are you releasing expectation and making room for acceptance in order to move forward and create space for more of YOUR vibrant energy to shine through in 2018?

May the wisdom gained in 2017 carry you forward into great opportunities for a vibrant 2018…Happy New Year!