Kerry McClure – Practical Wellness

February 11, 2014 ·

In working with my Wellness clients I am often asked how to create sustainable lifestyle changes. We all would love a quick fix but the truth is that a crash diet, detox/cleanse program, and/or exercising like a mad person will only get you so far. The key to success is making your healthy habits stick. In my experience, small, doable changes leads to sustainable healthy lifestyle changes.

Here are 4 tips I share with my clients to help them create a sustainable, healthy lifestyle… what resonates and/or works for you?

Planning and preparation.
The number one key to success in making your healthy habits stick is planning and preparation. For example, take 30 minutes or so on Sunday night to plan when you will exercise, shop for groceries, and cook. Write those commitments in your calendar like it’s a can’t-miss appointment.

Plan for fun.
Don’t make the “I don’t have time” excuse for exercise. See exercise as a fun, social activity by trying something new: go for a hike with a friend, take a dance class, try a new class at the gym. Step outside your comfort zone. Trying something new with a friend or significant other helps you to bond and creates shared memories.

Plan for relaxation.
The same way you carve out time for friends and exercise, create time just for you. Whatever “me time” looks like for you, plan it and make it a non-negotiable. Maybe it’s reading a book, a favorite hobby, maybe it’s a mani-pedi, maybe it’s going to the park with your dog. Whatever it is, you’re worth it. Go do it!

Consistent sleep.
Many people try to make up for a week’s worth of bad sleep on the weekends. Here’s an interesting tidbit – for every all-nighter you pull, it takes 2 weeks for your body to repair itself. You can’t just make it all up in one swoop! So, on the weekends, keep similar hours as you do during the week. Want to sleep in an extra hour? Go for it, but don’t waste an entire weekend in bed.

Be well. Live well.