Kerry McClure – Practical Wellness
January 27 ·
Every day we wake up we have an opportunity of a brand new day.
How you start your day can have a big impact on how you move through your day from activity level, to mood, to creativity, to focusing on the tasks at hand…
Here are my 5 vibrant self-care ways I start a gift of a new day…
1. Hydrate.
One of the best things you can do for your health first thing in the morning is drink a big glass of room temperature water. This helps to gently hydrate your cells and wake up your body and digestive system. Aim to drink roughly 1/2 cup of water each waking hour throughout the day.
My favorite is to jump start my digestion and metabolism with lemon water by squeezing 1/2 lemon juice into 8-12 ounces of room temperature water.
2. Set an intention, Breathe, Meditate.
There’s a difference between just diving into your day and actually setting an intention to have a fabulous, productive day. Starting out with a plan or an intention often helps the rest of the day proceed more efficiently. Use the quiet of morning to plan out the things you need to accomplish, set priorities, and reflect on your goals.
Breathing calms your nervous system.
A few minutes of meditation has many benefits including improved concentration, better health, and increased knowledge of self.
3. Get moving.
Even five minutes can make a big difference. Getting your blood flowing first thing in the morning with some gentle stretches can be a great way to boost your mood and start your day on a positive note. Go to the gym, yoga studio, dance while you make your breakfast, 20 jumping jacks, walk the dog are some ideas to help improve circulation, lymph drainage, and get your metabolism going. Even if you can’t squeeze in a formal morning workout, finding ways to incorporate movement into your day can have a huge impact.
4. Eliminate (Poop)
If warm water was not enough to encourage elimination, some movement and jumping around should do the trick.
We are what we assimilate and eliminate. If you can’t assimilate nutrients from food and eliminate leftover materials, no matter what you eat, you can’t be healthy. Digestion and elimination are cornerstones of health.
Being constipated can lead to an array of problems: bad breath, weight gain, allergies, bloating, poor nutrient assimilation, fatigue, migraine, breakouts, heart burn, lower back pain and sadly, the list goes on.
5. Eat a healthy breakfast.
Eating healthy foods first thing in the morning can help you stick with healthy choices throughout the rest of the day. By eating a good breakfast full of fiber (complex carbs), lean protein and good fats, you’re setting your body up with the fuel it needs to take on the day without spiking your blood sugar. See my Facebook post from January 5th, 2015 for ideas and importance of a balanced breakfast. Checkout my website for some yummy breakfast ideas:
Consistency is key when it comes to any lifestyle shift. Be gentle with yourself. One “bad” day isn’t a reason to not start again. Begin your healthy habits the next day and keep moving forward.
What are your tips for early morning activities that promote success and ease of being?
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