Kerry McClure – Practical Wellness

January 5, 2105

Clients often ask for new ideas for breakfast.
My number one requirement about breakfast is BALANCE- complex carbs, clean fats and lean protein! Getting in enough protein and clean fats for breakfast sets you for an amazing day of balanced blood sugar, reduced sugar cravings, eating balanced meals throughout the day, and keeping your energy up and moods steady. This is also amazing brain food for your kids as you send them off to school – for you too!! What can be better thanthat?!
Give this a try…

Avocado Egg Boats
Serves 2

1 large avocado
4 eggs
sea salt and fresh ground pepper
Toppings of choice (see below for ideas)

Cut the avocado in half. Remove the pit.
Cut a small slice off the bottom of the avocado so that it sits flat on your plate.
Scoop out a bit of the avocado to make room for your eggs.
Scramble your eggs with salt and pepper. Incorporate the scooped out avocado into your egg mixture.
Place 1/2 the egg mixture in each avocado cup and top with your favorite toppings! ENJOY!

Here is a baked avocado and egg option….
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Cut the avocado in half. Remove the pit.
Cut a small slice off the bottom of the avocado so that it sits flat on your baking dish/sheet.
Scoop out just a bit of the avocado to make room for your eggs.
Crack an egg in each avocado half and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place in the oven for 15-20 minutes until the egg is the desired doneness.
Top with desired toppings and serve hot!

Note: There are endless toppings you can add: the extra avocado, cilantro, diced tomatoes, salsa, green onions, your favorite cheese, hot sauce, etc.