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Kerry McClure – Practical Wellness
May 31, 2014 ·
Grab something to boost your brain in the morning – almonds, yogurt, and a thermos of green tea.
A handful of almonds, a cup of yogurt, and a thermos of green tea are a healthy combination of nutrients, including protein and the mineral manganese. Almonds are made up of riboflavin and L-carnitine, nutrients that wake up the brain. Yogurt contains the power of protein, a natural energy booster. Green tea is not only a great source for antioxidants, but helps regulate the blood sugar levels in the body through manganese.
Pick up a natural kick to help you push through the afternoon – pumpkin seeds, blackberries, and apple slices.
A bag of pumpkin seeds contains the recommended daily amount of zinc, a mineral known for kicking your mind back in gear. Blackberries contain antioxidants called polyphenols, which re-connect neurons in our brains to help us absorb information. Apple slices contain quercetin, an antioxidant that protects your brain cells as they expand to receive more information.
And don’t forget your water bottle! Stay hydrated throughout the day, so your mind and body can absorb the nutrients in your food.
Bauman, E. and Friedlander, J. (2011). Nutrition Essentials for Everyone Workbook. Penngrove, CA: Bauman College Press
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