Kerry McClure – Practical Wellness

February 9, 2015

Ease your everyday stress of schedules and deadlines.
Try the following three tips.

1. Avoid electronic devices 30 minutes before you go to bed. The artificial light tricks your brain into thinking it’s still sunny outside. Studies show that the light keeps your brain from producing enough melatonin to get a full night rest.

2. Try to eat your meals away from your computer or television. When we are distracted from our food, we don’t taste as much of it and can eat up to 20% more without realizing it.

3. Make sure you take breaks during your day. Stretch and take deep breaths. Deep breathing can relax muscles and decrease tension.

Daily stressors increases your cortisol levels. With regular spikes, chronic stress exhausts the adrenals that produce the cortisol, making them unable to produce enough during appropriate times of stress. This chronic adrenal exhaustion leads to regular sugar cravings and brain fog.