Thoughtful Thursday… Today’s Posting… New Years Eve…
A bit longer post today. A moment of personal reflection and sharing…

Every New Year’s Eve day I have a private ritual with myself of “letting go”.
I choose a word to let go of, or replace, in my vocabulary that no longer serves my life’s purpose. Words that are holding me back from reaching my highest potential, goals, dreams, hopes, helping others, etc.

For example, words I’ve let go of in the past include: hate, gossip, ignore, weak, ugly, avoid, fail, unworthy, comparison, competition, modification, jealousy, doubt, can’t, fear, worry, should…

The word I’m letting go of in 2016 is “busy”.

Is my life busy or full? Am I using being busy as an excuse to myself and others for not doing the important things, the scary things, the difficult things? I’ve been asking myself these questions a lot this year. It seems to me, in our high tech, low touch culture, we’re finding ourselves continually switched on, connected, overbooked; stressed, and trying to keep up with the myriad of tasks and commitments on our plates. Our culture seems to place a great deal of value on being “busy”. The busier we are, the more valued and important we are. But are we?

When I really stop and think about the word “busy” it brings up things like drudgery; monotony; how fast can I get things done; how much can I pack into a day to feel worthy; drained; and days filled with things I have to do rather than what I want to do. I need a better word to describe my day! I love what I get to do every day and saying “I’m busy” just doesn’t give it justice.

My intention in 2016 is to replace “busy” with “full”. Instead of saying “I’m too busy,” I hope to share that, “My day is full.” The word “full” sets the tone of feeling satiated; complete; less busy; rich life; fulfilled; purpose; looking forward to my day; energy; sharing; showing up in life vibrant and excited!

“You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.” ~ Zen Proverb

What do you truly value? Are you effective? Can you live in the moment? Do you set reasonable expectations? Are you ready to stop looking at your day as being “busy” and start enjoying the “fullness” of your life so you can make space for more of YOUR vibrant energy to shine through in 2016?

This yearly ritual has allowed me to create positive space for new things to enter my life and to create a more grounded energy to move through the world no matter what the circumstances are that cross my path. That doesn’t mean that the tough times aren’t tough. It means I now have more energy to help me move through those tough times and to have even more energy to appreciate the good times and to help others.

May the wisdom gained in 2015 carry you forward into great experiences and opportunities in 2016…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!