Kerry McClure – Practical Wellness
February 6, 2015
Here are six of my (and my family’s) favorite ways to keep energy levels humming along so that I/we can do all the things in a day we love to do! Which one of these are you ready to try? Which ones are you already doing?
Meyer Lemons
Lemons clean the liver and help the body to detox. If the body is ridden with toxins, you’ll feel sluggish and low. Drink warm water with lemon every morning to wake up your digestive system and get your other organs ready to rock, no matter what the day has in store for you. Meyer lemons are sweeter than most lemons, so use them in desserts, salad dressings, healthy cocktails and juices, or squeeze over your favorite bowl of grains and veggies.
In our home we use both meyer and regular lemons – 1/2 lemon squeezed into a glass of room-temperature water does the trick for us!
Goji Berries
Goji berries are one of the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet and are filled with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, iron, beta carotene and protein. They’re fruit-flavored and delicious!
Goji berries add a wonderful boost of protein and energy to any smoothie or snack, are wonderful steeped in hot water to make Goji tea, or make for a great snack when you need an energy kick any time of day. Soak your berries to make them extra-moist and ease digestion and buy them from a reliable source. Navitas Naturals is a good source:
We like to add goji berries in our Kale salads!
I also like to make our own trail mix and add Goji Berries to the mix! Yummy!
Bee Pollen
Looking for a quick fix that will keep you buzzing all day long? No fear, bee pollen is here! One teaspoon contains billions of grains of flower pollen. It’s rich in protein, carbohydrates and B vitamins, so it’s a natural energizer. In fact, bee pollen is richer in protein than any animal source and its protein is ready to be used by the body immediately. It also boosts immunity, aids digestion, treats allergies, and supports the heart, all of which contribute to high energy levels. Add one tablespoon to a fruit salad or green smoothie in the morning for all-day energy.
Matcha (it’s a green tea from Japan)
This green powder is a powerful energy booster, packed with antioxidants, beta carotene, fiber, vitamins and minerals and just enough caffeine to get you moving and motivated without feeling jittery or frazzled.
Add some matcha powder to your morning smoothie, add to hot water and serve traditional Japanese-style and stir with a bamboo whisk, mix with cold water or coconut water for a refreshing Matcha iced tea or mix into almond milk and warm over the stovetop. Matcha is also a great addition to desserts. Make sure you purchase high quality Matcha from a reliable source.
I get my stash from my dear friend’s tea shop in Mt. Shasta. It is awesome.
Here is the link:
Make sure your hormones are happy with a daily dose of maca. It’s loaded with minerals and helps to balance hormones in both women and men. Maca has no caffeine so it doesn’t cause a coffee-like rush (followed by a crash hours later) but instead supports the body with sustained energy for hours. Try adding 1 teaspoon of maca powder in your morning smoothie. Maca is a natural mood-booster.
A good source is Navitas Naturals:
If you’re tossing and turning all night or if that brilliant mind of yours just can’t seem to calm down, a magnesium supplement may be something to consider.
Magnesium is found in so many delicious foods: chocolate (in the form of raw cacao), quinoa, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, dates and bananas. If you opt for a supplement, stick with magnesium glycinate to prevent stomach upset.
A source we use is:
We take it at night in a glass of water.
Make sure to check in with your health care professional before changing your lifestyle habits to make sure any changes you make best serve your health and wellbeing.
Article source of information:…/9-ways-to-eat-for-energy.html
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