Kerry McClure – Practical Wellness

January 2, 2015

Did you know that the average smartphone user checks his or her device every 6 1/2 minutes. That works out to around 150 times a day. That’s just smartphone usage. How much time do you spend in front of screens during the day (smartphone, iPad, iPod, computer, TV, etc)?

Now is a great time of year to take a digital time usage inventory and take a break. If you’re overwhelmed, overloaded, and struggling to keep up, it could be time to take a step back.

Taking a digital break is a strategy anyone can use for a day, a week, or however long works for you. By taking a step back and disconnecting, you get a chance to recharge and regain perspective.

Here are 10 tips I offer my wellness clients….

1. Make your bedroom or other spaces in your home technology-free zones.

2. Create your own music instead of plugging into your iPod.

3. Read a book instead of using your iPad or e-reader.

4. Ride your bike, go for a run, take a walk without your mileage-tracking device.

5. Take a hike without your camera.

6. Lose the laptop. Meet up with a friend at your favorite local hangout or strike up a conversation with someone you don’t know yet.

7. Call someone instead of texting. Better yet, meet up with them in person if you can!

8. Send a hand-written note.

9. Have a technology-free dinner with friends.

10. Start or end your day with a yoga class, meditation, or some other quiet, reflective experience.