
Kerry McClure – Practical Wellness May 15, 2015 Magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in the body. It is extremely important for muscle and nerve function. It also steadies the heart rhythm, supports a healthy immune system, helps control blood sugar, helps...


Kerry McClure – Practical Wellness May 12, 2015 A few thoughts about cravings…. Our cravings are one of the ways our body lets us know something is out of balance. So the next time you’re craving sugar, bread or a glass of red wine, ask yourself what your...

Good Health Tips

Kerry McClure – Practical Wellness May 11, 2015 In working with my Wellness clients I’m often asked about creating sustainable lifestyle changes. We all would love a quick fix, myself included. I share with my clients that it is about health gain rather...

After A Workout – Food

Kerry McClure – Practical Wellness May 4, 2015 I’m often asked when and what do I eat after a workout… My general rule of thumb is to eat within 1 hour of a workout and eat a good combination of protein, slow complex carbs (fiber) and fat. Recovery foods...