How To ‘Stress Well’

Looming deadlines, overlapping priorities, strained relationships, staggering workloads. It’s no wonder stress at work is common — and on the rise. More than half (52%) of the workers in a Robert Half survey said they were overwhelmed at work on a daily basis, and six...

Vegetarian Sweet Potato Chili

I’ve been making variations of vegetarian chili for as long as I can remember. Well, today, I’m sharing my latest version. I have to say it’s probably my most favorite version yet. Why? The roasted sweet potatoes that are added to the chili give the dish its WOW...

The Power of Words

Every New Year’s Eve day I have a private “releasing” ritual. I choose a word to release from my vocabulary that no longer serves my life purpose – words that may hold me back from reaching my highest potential, goals, dreams, hopes, helping...

I Love Soups Stews, and Dals.

I love soups, stews, and dals. They tend to be hearty, nutrient-dense, flavorful and tasty, have many textures and can be cost- and time-effective to make. The other characteristic I like about these dishes is the recipes generally make enough for more than one meal...

Setting Intention and Creating Space

  Setting intention and creating space….Here we are midway through the first month of 2017. What are your favorite ways to settle into a new year and harness the possibilities that lay ahead for you? For me, January is about releasing, bringing forward and creating...